New Patient Forms and your first visit

We want every dental visit to be a great experience, starting with your first one. Here's everything you need to fill out before your first visit.

Arrive 15 Minutes Early

Please arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment and plan to spend between 60 and 90 minutes in our office. During your visit, you will receive a comprehensive oral examination and X-rays to help Dr. Tawzer assess your oral health. Dr. Tawzer will check for signs of tooth decay, bone loss, oral cancer, and periodontal (gum) disease.

What To Bring

To save even more time, please bring these things with you:

Dental Insurance Card (if applicable)

Photo ID Card

Completed New Patient Forms

Download & complete these forms

We will need information about you to get started. Print and complete the forms below and bring them to your first visit.  If you are not able to complete these forms prior to your first visit, please arrive 30 minutes before your scheduled appointment.